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Healthy AKC regstered Yorkies for adoption text (313) 995-9196 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin For Sale

Price: $250
Type: Animals, For Sale - Private.

Hello Guys! I got a male and a female yorkie puppies which I have raised from birth for adoption to a nice family that can care for the puppies and provide them with their needs. They are well trained and socialized and very good with kids. I have had so many things in my mind right now and my jobs makes me to travel lot and I can not carry them all the time, so I was looking for a family for the puppies where they could take them and raised them as their own kids. They are very good babies and you will enjoy them in your family.text (313) 995-xxxx

State: Wisconsin  City: Milwaukee  Category: Animals
Animals in Wisconsin for sale

This ad is older than 2 months.
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